Discover the life-changing advantages of your 14-day free trial with PlanPlus Online.2021-08-30T12:42:26+00:00
Discover the life-changing advantages of your 14-day free trial with PlanPlus Online.

Can you predict the future?

More importantly, can you predict YOUR future?

Maybe not the distant future—not five or ten years from now—something a lot closer.

How about two weeks? That’s 14 days or 336 hours from now.

Can you predict how things will be better in your life two weeks from now?

There’s actually a pretty reliable way to predict the future: Instead of guessing what will happen, go out and make those things happen. The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it.

In order to have the best possible transformational experience over the next two weeks, we want you to test-drive your own fully functional planner.

That’s exactly why we offer a free 14-day trial of our PlanPlus Online planner-organizer!

Here are some suggestions as to how you can use your trial time:

Subdue and conquer your task list!

Click here for a free ebooklet showing how the 3-step program is used by professional organizers the world over to immediately reduce the stress in your life.

  • For the most productive outcome, you should use our unique blended task list system—the Unscheduled list and the Today list.
  • Record all your tasks on the Unscheduled task list—no more missing sticky notes or trying keep things organized in your head.
  • The Unscheduled task list clears you mind by giving you a secure place to store all your tasks that need to be remembered but don’t have a deadline or a high priority.
  • Prioritize your tasks with our revolutionary ABC, 123 priority feature to ensure that you’re doing the right things—not just doing things.
  • Transfer only the three most important tasks you need to accomplish each day onto your Today task list. This keeps you focused and uncluttered as you accomplish one task at a time.
  • Assign due dates and times for your tasks to guarantee that you’ll be working on the right things at the right time and never missing deadlines.
Be the master of your calendar—not a slave!
  • Use your calendar for more than an appointment record—make specific appointments with yourself to accomplish your tasks and goals.
  • The drag and drop feature from your task list to your calendar—makes planning and scheduling easy.
  • Schedule recurring appointments and manage alerts and reminders—reminds you of what you need to accomplish.
  • Drill down from the month view to the week and day views—put your time commitments in perspective.
  • Color-code appointments according to roles—balance your work and life priorities.
  • Easy to implement planning process to identify, schedule, and execute on high-impact activities.
  • Visually time-block your time—focus your attention and energy on your most important tasks.
Do a positive makeover in your life!
  • Create your personal Vision Board to keep you inspired and motivated throughout the day.
  • Articulate your personal tagline to express your personal brand and to help you keep first things first.
  • Discover and express your individual Why statement with a guided step-by-step process of uncovering your internal purpose or mission.
  • Choose and articulate the personal values that are at your core with a step-by-step process to ensure that you’re making harmonious choices and living with integrity.
  • Choose which habits you want to embrace, and which you’d like to avoid and track your progress.
Translate your dreams into reality with weekly planning to schedule your life’s priorities!
  • Weekly planning gives you the mental and emotional clarity you want in order to choose and act on what is important and not just what is urgent.
  • It helps you navigate your week with a plan that acts like a compass to guide you.
  • Weekly planning helps you translate your overall personal vision into bite-sized goals to be accomplished each week.
  • Achieve more balance in your life by defining on the roles you’ll play during the week—are you a parent? Leader? Friend? Project manager? Roles aren’t just about what you do, they are ways you express who you are.
  • Set just two or three goals for each of your roles—limit yourself to accomplishing what is most important.
  • Weekly planning shows that you’re more likely to attain your goals if you frame them in the right way and feel a strong commitment to your objective.
Daily notes and journal.
  • Tucked conveniently at the bottom of your PlanPlus Online screen is the daily notes and journal feature. It’s there when you need it, and slides closed when you don’t.
  • Get things out of your mind and safely stored.
  • Inspires you to act on the things you’ve written.
  • Pin important information to the top of your notes.
  • Adding tags to notes enables you to find related ideas and information—helps you to make links between related thoughts and ideas.
  • Helps you engage with the content at a deeper level in a meeting, phone call, lecture, or event and not lose concentration.

Don’t go another day disorganized!