Being organized is key to thriving in life and achieving your dreams.2024-02-08T15:23:24+00:00
Being organized is key to thriving in life and achieving your dreams.

Being organized is key to thriving in life and achieving your dreams.

For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.

We know organization when we see it. Things are where we expect them to be.

We know organization when we feel it. When things are organized, we seem to unclench internally. We feel calm, soothed, and relaxed.

Organization isn’t about perfection. It’s about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money, and improving your overall quality of life.

Organization sets stress free

In fact, reduced stress is cited as the #1 benefit of being organized. The more clutter in your life and in your head, the more stressed and depressed you feel. It’s impossible to fully focus on chores, appointments, paying bills, caring for pets or relationships when you live in a state of constantly disorganized chaos.

You know where everything is from appointments and task lists to your fine china. You know what you’ve got, and you know how to find it—instantly! The calmness that comes from being organized is the origin of your personal power.

Organization boosts productivity

Is it too much of a stretch to realize that causes of stress and depression also rob us of our ability to focus? When you’re in a disorganized environment your brain gets distracted by everything it’s taking in. This lack of focus increases the time it takes to accomplish the most basic tasks.

Productive people don’t spend their days wading through junk, sifting through paperwork, and sorting through piles of stuff just to find an item or a thought or appointment they need!

Organization is the shortest path to achieving your goals

The number one reason people don’t succeed in their goals is that they fail to plan. A haphazard approach to accomplishing what matters most to you never works. In fact, it’s what makes us give up on our goals. Why? Because accomplishing your goals is about creating systems and sticking to them. A daily or weekly routine, a consistent application of even small habits, will transform your life.

There’s a plethora of provisions to help put in order our possessions…

There are hundreds of tools and resources that help us organize our stuff: We have dressers, closets, hangars, hooks, books, shelves, toolboxes, filing cabinets, videos, bins, boxes, drawers, and drawer dividers, racks, containers, totes, bags, baskets, desk organizers, kitchen organizers, closet organizers, and on and on.

…but there are only a few tools to help us organize other types of valuables.

But having an organized life goes beyond organizing just our stuff. How do you organize things you can’t really touch? Like your tasks, appointments, commitments, dreams, ideas, notes…

Information such as names, birthdays, anniversaries, phone numbers, addresses?

This is where PlanPlus Online comes in.

No more looking for scraps of paper or sticky notes. No more forgetting appointments, commitments, and tasks. PlanPlus Online gives you a single point of organization. It’s like an external drive for your brain!

No more clutter in your mind because, with PlanPlus Online, you have a place for all your thoughts and information—you know where it is at all times.

Get your personal test drive of PlanPlus Online now.

To help you decide if you can use a little more organization in your life, we’re offering you a free 14-day membership and your personal, fully functional Essentials Organizer and Planner!

With PlanPlus Online, you’ll get the tools to organize and prioritize your tasks and appointments—including color coding and reminders.

In addition, you get a unique Vision Board that you can personalize. You’ll go step-by-step through a process that gives you clarity and vision, ensuring that you stay focused on what matters most to you and the people and the things you value most.

Click here for a free ebooklet showing how the 3-step program is used by professional organizers the world over to immediately reduce the stress in your life.

Click here to start your free 14-day trial and see how being organized will change your life!

Click here to discover the potential life-changing advantages of your 14-day trial!