18 11, 2016

    Your spreadsheet is spread too thin—and what to do about it


    For many small businesses adding another expense can be a burden—especially when it seems like a well-organized spreadsheet can do the trick. But there are a few tell-tale signs that can help you determine why a CRM is the next best step for your small business. Customers are assets to be cared for and nurtured [...]

    Your spreadsheet is spread too thin—and what to do about it2020-10-30T08:30:44+00:00
      9 11, 2016

      Just Released: New PlanPlus Mobile iPhone app version 2.0.1 now available!


      Organize yourself and your business with PlanPlus Mobile iPhone app! Use our unique planning methodology to boost your daily productivity. Whether you're a student, parent, spouse, manager, or CEO, PlanPlus Mobile is your Productivity Prescription! With tasks, calendar, notes, and contacts you can easily manage on the go. Download now PlanPlus Mobile includes the full [...]

      Just Released: New PlanPlus Mobile iPhone app version 2.0.1 now available!2019-01-10T18:56:45+00:00
        8 11, 2016

        What’s the ROI of CRM Software?


        How do you figure out the return on investment (ROI) of CRM software? We recently asked sales representatives who were using PlanPlus Online: “What percentage of your sales occurred because of a significant contribution from your PlanPlus Online CRM?” The results showed that more than 30 percent of their deals were attributable to their CRM. [...]

        What’s the ROI of CRM Software?2019-01-10T18:56:45+00:00