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The Four Essential Conditions for Developing and Executing Good Strategy

June 7th, 2019|Categories: All|

How great teams get extraordinary results and gain the competitive advantage. How do you bridge the gap between strategy and execution? In this exciting new webinar, we'll review four essential conditions necessary for developing realistic, actionable plans that actually get implemented. How do you create an environment where leaders are able to confront problems openly? What essential questions need to be asked and answered to help you develop an effective plan that accounts for your [...]

If taglines are everywhere, where’s yours?

May 23rd, 2019|Categories: All|Tags: , , |

Do you have a personal tagline? Taglines—businesses have them. In fact, thousands of them exist. You see and hear them everywhere: Got Milk? Just Do It. I’m Lovin’ It. Think Different. These are taglines, right? You probably have those taglines stuck in your head. In business, a tagline (also called a slogan) is a phrase or two that provides clarity, entertainment, or emphasis to highlight a brand's mission, purpose, or culture. Taglines exist to [...]

What’s a personal tagline, and why you need one now!

May 23rd, 2019|Categories: All|

If you believe the phrase: “You are what you think”, then life truly stems from your thoughts. But how do you translate thoughts into words—and eventually into actions in order to achieve your goals and dreams? Here’s where having a personal tagline is golden! A personal tagline is part positive affirmation, part personal branding, and part elevator pitch. A tagline is a simple, positive statement declaring specific goals in their completed states. Your tagline can [...]

Where’d the Big Rocks go?

May 8th, 2019|Categories: Planning, Product Updates, Time Management|Tags: , , , |

You’ve probably noticed something’s different in your PlanPlus Online account! We’re excited to share some of our recent changes with you. In an effort to best align your productivity with purpose, we recently replaced each role's "big rock", with weekly goals! Big Rocks have always been a metaphor for Weekly Goals and since we’ve added so many amazing tools and resources to our goals we wanted to give you the opportunity to use the full [...]

This is what’s been missing…

May 6th, 2019|Categories: All, Company News, Goals, Planning, Product Updates, Work Life Balance|Tags: , |

The gap between setting a goal and achieving a goal has now been closed with a recent update on the Planning tab of your PlanPlus Online account! We’ve all set goals or made resolutions only to see, over time, that we eventually lose traction on achieving the goal. It’s disappointing, isn’t it? We lose confidence in ourselves and our ability to make goals and accomplish our desires. Instead of being overwhelmed with a whole goal, [...]

Yes or no?

April 16th, 2019|Categories: All, Culture, Goals, Leadership, Mental Models, Planning, Productivity, Time Management|Tags: , , |

As human beings we tend to complicate most things, but life is really pretty simple. Take a moment to think about the answers to the following questions: We have tens of thousands of words in the English language. How many letters make up the alphabet? The ‘Human Genome’ is the genetic code—the entire list of three billion letters required to create a human being. How many letters make up the DNA alphabet? The most valuable [...]

The principles you know determine what you get

April 11th, 2019|Categories: All, Goals, Leadership, Planning, Productivity, Time Management|Tags: , |

There are only a few ways to get it right In May of 1904, Harrington Emerson was tasked with improving the Santa Fe railway system. At the time, competition was stiff, costs were rising, and so was demand for freight and passenger transportation. Emerson created a management movement called “Betterment Work,” which, today, would be considered Continuous Improvement. He knew that in order to become an efficient railroad—which would lower operating costs—he first had to [...]

PlanPlus Online Release Notes 2.25.4

April 4th, 2019|Categories: All, Release Notes|Tags: |

PlanPlus Online Release Notes: PlanPlus Online is proud to announce the following for release version 2.25.4 on March 28, 2019. Enhancements 1. We have dramatically enhanced the Goals section. Goals now include the following attributes: Goal Name Role Goal Health Goal statement Goal Confidence Goal Duration History Linked Goals Notes Goal Steps Start & Due Date % complete 2. Show days remaining on goals. 3. Added Planning Reports for weekly planning. 4. Added reports for [...]

The first quarter of the year is over, now what?

April 3rd, 2019|Categories: Goals, Leadership, Planning, Productivity, Time Management|Tags: , |

It’s past April Fool’s day—which means that you’ve made it through the first quarter of the year. It’s a great time to stake stock of goals and plans to see what kind of progress you’ve made so far, and to tweak and adjust as necessary. Life is an adventure, and like any great story, it has peaks and valleys. Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something [...]

Being Proactive is Key to Self-Leadership

March 28th, 2019|Categories: All, Goals, Mental Models, Planning, Productivity, Time Management|Tags: , , , |

You choose how you approach life. By choosing to be proactive, you will significantly impact the life you will have. If you’re proactive, you focus on preparing. If you’re reactive, you end up focusing on repairing. Most of us have high hopes of accomplishing something important in life, perhaps creating some sort of legacy or establishing new and better ways of doing things Unfortunately, most of us believe that we’re so busy handling day-to-day [...]