18 05, 2016

When’s the best time to get a coach?


Short answer: before it’s too late! If things are basically good—but you know they could be better—you’re ready for a coach. Many people work with a coach because they know they’re ready for more and want to reach full potential as soon as possible. Bob Nardelli, CEO of Home Depot said, “I absolutely believe that [...]

When’s the best time to get a coach?2019-01-10T18:56:52+00:00
17 05, 2016

Are you making this mistake with your team?


As a leader, you must make sure that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined for your team. No matter how smart, talented, driven, or passionate you are, your success as an entrepreneur or small business owner depends on your ability to build and inspire a team. A successful leader is one who can spur his [...]

Are you making this mistake with your team?2020-06-19T07:58:45+00:00
7 05, 2016

Graduating seniors: get good at doing this one thing, and most all of life will be easier!


“We’re free!” we all shouted. Graduation was over, and we were free! We thought—now that we’re finally out of high school and free—that freedom is the ability to do whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want, without interference from any authority. Well… that was a long time ago, and it’s taken a lifetime [...]

Graduating seniors: get good at doing this one thing, and most all of life will be easier!2019-01-10T18:56:53+00:00
22 04, 2016

Free time: schedule time to be outside


Today's highly effective productivity hack: Schedule your free time! One of my favorite activities is to head out to the wilderness with my camera to hike and explore (living in Utah makes that pretty easy). I just don’t do it as often as I’d like. In fact, honestly, I’d feel a little guilty about actually [...]

Free time: schedule time to be outside2019-01-10T18:56:54+00:00
20 04, 2016

One action step can make all the difference


Today’s highly effective productivity hack: Feeling lost? That often happens when you’re not clear on what exactly to do next—and then what to do after that. Sound familiar? It does to me, too! It’s easy to set a goal and not work out all of the action steps needed to accomplish your goal--but simple [...]

One action step can make all the difference2021-11-03T09:52:24+00:00
15 04, 2016

Score the most points


Today’s Highly-Effective Productivity Hack: Here’s an addictive game that’s actually good for you—especially if you’re a little competitive! On your list of tasks to be completed today (see this post), assign a point value to each one—depending on the degree of difficulty. At the end of the day, total the points for the tasks you [...]

Score the most points2016-10-11T08:40:38+00:00
12 04, 2016

Only write down five things at a time on your to-do list


“What?!? No way! I have too many things to do!” How many of you have approached your task list (to-do list) and wondered where you should even start? For productivity: Have two lists! Here's how that's done with PlanPlus Online: One list is your “Master List.” These are ALL the tasks you have to do. [...]

Only write down five things at a time on your to-do list2019-01-10T18:56:55+00:00
31 03, 2016

Make this the turning point of your life


“Big doors swing on small hinges.” Sometimes, it’s the small things in life that can result in the biggest changes in life’s direction. One of the most effective things you can do for your life is to uncover your mission. It’s a small thing that consistently produces big results. With the world constantly changing and [...]

Make this the turning point of your life2020-12-19T08:35:09+00:00
8 09, 2015

SMART Goals – How to set them


When it comes to setting feasible and achievable goals, there's one key bit of advice that you should consider: set SMART goals. This acronym is used to describe a particular concept and method for effective goal setting. The concept has been around since 1981, when George T. Doran published a paper in the business [...]

SMART Goals – How to set them2019-04-05T11:44:12+00:00
19 05, 2015

Happy Employees = Happy Customers


There is over 10 years of dedicated focus on documented production and management PlanPlus Online technology solutions have been expressly designed for industries that rely on workflow automation for productivity boosts. Our knowledge base and technical expertise are the result of long-tenured and trusting partnerships with our customers to help produce documents of the highest [...]

Happy Employees = Happy Customers2019-01-10T18:57:04+00:00
14 04, 2015

Find Your Why – Improve Your Life by Defining Your Purpose


Whether it’s in your business or your personal life, you can easily find yourself disillusioned, uncertain, or simply unhappy. Every day, we’re confronted with tasks, responsibilities, and pressures that are all about what we have to do in order to make it through another day, get to the next paycheck, pay the bills, and care [...]

Find Your Why – Improve Your Life by Defining Your Purpose2019-07-12T09:18:44+00:00
7 04, 2015

How Much Should I worry About Company Culture?


Company culture has become an increasingly important aspect of building a great company, attracting and retaining good people, and enjoying a successful career. In the past, business or corporate “culture” was equated with dress codes or typical managerial and employee behavior, like aggressively climbing the organizational ladder or taking a cutthroat approach to competition. But [...]

How Much Should I worry About Company Culture?2019-01-10T18:57:05+00:00