Online Planner – Essentials Edition
Your Ultimate Digital Organizer
The perfect digital online planner for leaders and high achievers. It includes essential productivity features: contact management, task management, calendar, daily notes and valuable planning features to help you discover your mission, achieve your goals and lead a full, productive, and effective life. It also comes with a free native mobile app for iOS and Android smartphones and tablets, and our new Chrome plugin, and syncs with Outlook, Google, and Apple.
$15.95 per month*
*17% discount if billed annually at $157.95 per year.
Gain Mental Clarity Every Week
Weekly Planning: Mission, Values, Roles, Goals, and Tasks
Start your week by reviewing your Mission Statement and Values. Next, review your Roles and identify the most important activity to keep your life balanced and your saw sharpened. Furthermore, move on to review your Goals and add any related Goal Intermediate Steps to your weekly Calendar or Task List.
- Mission Statement Builder
- Identify Values
- Goals and Intermediate Steps
- Big Rocks and Compass
Stay Focused
Daily Planning with Prioritized Daily Task List
Start each day by spending 5-15 minutes reviewing the tasks and events you have scheduled for the current day. Then prioritize each of the items using; A-Vital, B-Important, C-Optional. Then rank each of your tasks within the A-B-C 1 to 99. and Values. Next, review your Roles and identify the most important activity to keep your life balanced and your saw sharpened. Then move on to review your Goals and add any related Goal Intermediate Steps to your weekly Calendar or Task List.
- A-B-C Prioritization
- Non completed tasks roll forward to the current day
- Daily Task List
- Master (Unscheduled) Tasks
Achieve Your Dreams
Online Goal Planning Made Easy
To achieve success personally or professionally, you must have Goals. Luckily, PlanPlus Online planner allows you to track your Goals and their Intermediate Steps progress. Above all, keeping your eyes on your Goals will create the energy, focus, and determination required to achieve them.
- Create Goals
- Identify Intermediate Steps
- Drag & Drop Goals and Steps to your Calendar
- Drag & Drop Goals and Steps to your Task List
Stay Connected
Calendar: Keep All of Your Schedules Organized
Calendaring is a critical component of any planning system. This calendar allows you to drag-and-drop tasks to create appointments, color code appointments, create recurring appointments, set appointment alerts and reminders, link notes to appointments and invite external contacts to appointments via email. Similarly, you can also integrate calendars from other calendaring programs into your PlanPlus Online calendar.
- Drag & Drop Tasks to Appointments
- Color Coded Appointment Categories
- Recurring Appointments
- Appointment Alerts & Reminders
- Invite External Contacts to Appointments via Email
- External Calendar Integration
- Online Planner AND Mobile Planner

Be Proactive. Get Promoted
Personalized Activities on your Prioritized Daily Task List
Knowing what Tasks are most important will increase your productivity. Spend less time sorting through long lists of TO-DOs or paper checklists and more time accomplishing important objectives. PlanPlus Online makes it easy to keep track of all your Tasks and prioritize them using the ABC-123 system. The Quick Prioritize Wizard provides a useful interface for drag & drop Task Management based on day and importance. Delegated Tasks are delivered via email to the recipient and all updates are tracked in your PlanPlus Online account. The recipient of a delegated task does not need to have a PlanPlus account.
- Prioritized Tasks
- Daily and Master Tasks
- Forward Tasks to Today
- Drag & Drop to Calendar
- Quick Prioritize Wizard
Unburden Yourself
Task Delegation
Maximize Your Effectiveness by Delegating Appropriate Tasks
PlanPlus Online allows you to delegate Tasks to external users. The recipient will receive the Task in their email and be able to update the task status and mark it as complete when they’ve finished.
- Assign Tasks to External Contacts via an Email Address
- Task Recipient does not need to have a PlanPlus Online account
- Feedback from delegated task is updated in your PlanPlus Online account
Feel the Freedom
Mobile Device Access
Use PlanPlus Online Anytime, Anywhere on your Smartphone
PlanPlus Online is now available on a mobile app for iOS and Android.
Your online data is now synced “offline” to your phones native storage. This makes it possible to access your data without an internet connection.
Log in to your PlanPlusOnline account to get access to the mobile apps. Click the gear icon in top right of the account, then Start Page.
Impress Everyone with your On Top of It-ness
Chrome Extension
Stay Focused with this Chrome Extension for PlanPlusOnline.
Any time you open a new tab in Chrome, your PlanPlus Online task list will be displayed.
- Add new task from any new tab
- Quickly capture any new to-do item
- Mark items complete without opening PlanPlus Online app
- Focus mode for helping stay distraction free.
Want to become a better leader? Check out these tips from our blog
Weekly Planning: How to Predict the Future