Purpose and planning as it should beThe new PlanPlus Online personal planning and organizing experience is designed to take you on the journey from the vague to the specific. From the vague ideas in your head to a specific action. From a dream in your heart to the specific action to be done at the specific time… in order to achieve that dream. This is the missing link between who you are and what you do every day to manifest who you are! |
My PurposeYou begin by defining your purpose—by strengthening your core. The My Purpose experience gives you a reference point, or a place to come back to when life’s challenges and emotions push you off balance—when you need to get clarity, to make major decisions about your life, you need to access this deeper part of yourself. My Purpose helps you find a deeper connection to your authentic self. |
Vision BoardYour daily productivity dashboard. A snapshot of where you are on the path to personal achievement. Everything begins with a vision, a thought, a dream, and an idea. The first step in creating reality is seeing the end result you want. |
The Vision Board is used to help clarify, concentrate, and maintain focus on your specific life goals. The Vision Board represents the life you want to live. Quite literally, it’s a tangible representation of the vision you have for yourself. Find habits to embrace and avoid, review your Why Statements and track goal progress all in one place! | |
Weekly PlanningWeekly Planning guides you as you break each goal into action items by listing all of
More about Long Term and Daily Planning with PlanPlus Online
How to gain superhero powers in 2019 (spandex and cape optional) |