23 08, 2017

How to create concise and clear process instructions


Over the past few years, we’ve purchased furniture from various retailers. I mean the type of furniture that comes in boxes with nuts and bolts and tools—and if you’re lucky—with instructions. We’ve had wonderful experiences where it  comes out right, and horrible ones when it takes much longer than it’s supposed to—often requiring reassembly at [...]

How to create concise and clear process instructions2019-01-10T18:56:39+00:00
17 05, 2016

Are you making this mistake with your team?


As a leader, you must make sure that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined for your team. No matter how smart, talented, driven, or passionate you are, your success as an entrepreneur or small business owner depends on your ability to build and inspire a team. A successful leader is one who can spur his [...]

Are you making this mistake with your team?2020-06-19T07:58:45+00:00
3 05, 2016

I can do it by myself is a lie—don’t believe it!


Have you ever felt you knew exactly where you wanted to go—but just didn’t know how to get there? You may need coaching. The myth… It’s ingrained in our culture: The “self-made” success! The lone champion! The belief that achievement is best if done alone is a dangerous lie—and it’s probably hurting you! Admittedly, we admire [...]

I can do it by myself is a lie—don’t believe it!2019-01-10T18:56:53+00:00
2 05, 2016

Every minute you spend in planning saves ten minutes in execution


“Every minute you spend in planning saves ten minutes in execution,” claims Brian Tracy. We agree completely! Even if you consistently work harder than everyone you know, if you’re not working on the smartest, highest-leverage tasks, you’re not going to be as productive as someone who works half as much as you! When you put [...]

Every minute you spend in planning saves ten minutes in execution2024-05-28T15:07:14+00:00
12 04, 2016

Only write down five things at a time on your to-do list


“What?!? No way! I have too many things to do!” How many of you have approached your task list (to-do list) and wondered where you should even start? For productivity: Have two lists! Here's how that's done with PlanPlus Online: One list is your “Master List.” These are ALL the tasks you have to do. [...]

Only write down five things at a time on your to-do list2019-01-10T18:56:55+00:00
2 09, 2014

Catch-Up Day 2.0


We’ve all been there. It’s 5 p.m. and the workday has somehow raced past you without allowing you enough time to tackle what needs to be done. Twenty emails in bold type stare at you impatiently from your inbox, while you ponder if the three voicemails left on your phone during lunch can wait for [...]

Catch-Up Day 2.02019-02-15T10:00:41+00:00
5 08, 2014

What Does CRM Software Have to Do with Organizational Culture?


Organizational culture can be difficult to define because its meanings and varieties can be as numerous as the companies that exhibit it. In the most general sense, however, organizational culture represents our group behavior and our shared values. It drives the way that we interact within an organization and the way we interact with external [...]

What Does CRM Software Have to Do with Organizational Culture?2019-01-10T18:57:11+00:00
22 07, 2014

The difference between good and great systems and processes


The difference between a business that achieves consistent greatness versus a business that achieves occasional goodness is well-executed systems and processes.  Creating functional and friendly systems in every department is essential in today’s business environment. It's vital that companies create user-friendly manuals and training programs to encourage individuals to put systems and processes in place in order to [...]

The difference between good and great systems and processes2019-01-10T18:57:11+00:00
24 06, 2014

The 5 Building Blocks of Culture


In most businesses today, everyone is familiar with the concept of “Culture” but very few people understand how a culture develops in an organization. While every company has a culture, very few organizations are proactively building a culture based on intention. You need building blocks of culture to enhance productivity in the workplace.  The [...]

The 5 Building Blocks of Culture2023-12-06T14:47:20+00:00
16 04, 2014

Culture of Productivity: How to Build and Develop it


How do you go about building a culture of productivity? Culture is traditionally defined as the beliefs, manners, rituals, customs, institutions, arts, and achievements of a specific society. When you think about culture, you likely think of countries with rich histories, elaborate traditional clothing, and unique religious rituals, but did you know that companies have [...]

Culture of Productivity: How to Build and Develop it2019-03-28T20:25:56+00:00