Why you need a centralized database to be successful

If you are part of a growing company, you need a centralized database to be successful.

There are many reasons that you might decide you’re ready for a centralized database and many benefits that you’ll get out of having one.

You’ll be able to:

  • Find information more quickly.
  • Simplify your IT infrastructure.
  • Have more accurate information.
  • Eliminate redundant files.
  • Have more effective collaboration with your team.

But the primary function of a centralize database comes down to two things: either make decisions or take action. 

If you put a phone number in the database you’re capturing it there to allow your team to “Take Action” by calling the customer.

If you enter a Lead Score in the database you’re capturing it to empower you and your team to “Make Decisions.”

The decisions you make range from tactical decisions, like how frequently should I call this account to more strategic decisions around where to invest your marketing budget.

If you want to make better decisions and have the actions you take be more effective you’ll want to improve the quality of your database.

One of the best ways to improve quality regardless of what you’re working on is to implement a process so if you want to improve the quality of your centralized database you should look at all of the processes that touch the data.

Everything from lead generation, data entry, creating new opportunities, sales processes, and your account management process will impact the quality of your database.

The quality of your centralized database has a lot to do with how well organized it is.

A well-organized database essentially creates triggers for you and your team. It displays the vital information front and center and is easily searchable.

If you’re looking to improve the quality of your centralized database give us a call today, we’d love to help you get more organized and be more productive.
