This Year Is A Great Year To Start Your CRM Initiative.

As various holidays wind down and we head into the New Year, many of us will make resolutions to implement positive changes and improvements in our personal lives during the coming year. The New Year is also a great time to make resolutions in business; to roll out new initiatives on an organizational level and embrace tools that can drive success during the coming year. A CRM can provide enormous boosts to productivity and greatly improve an organization’s workflow and performance during the upcoming year.

For those who are considering a CRM initiative, the New Year provides the ideal time to make a change and implement a new system.

The New Year is a great time to make business resolutions for the same reasons we make our personal resolutions this time of the year. With a new year and a new calendar on the horizon, it is a perfect opportunity to make a logical break with the previous year. Launching a new CRM initiative may involve changes that would correspond well to the changing calendar year, such as setting new sales quotas or generating new sales territories and business segments to coincide with sales forecasts or strategic planning.

A CRM initiative can also help businesses pursue many new goals that they may have set for the New Year, including increased sales and revenue, improved workflow, and greater customer satisfaction. By implementing a new CRM system and timing its launch with the pursuit of these goals, an organization can channel its efforts and help ensure that its processes are in line with its overall objectives.

Moreover, a new calendar year presents a clean slate and can create a sense of possibility and renewed energy for the New Year. Having an opportunity to make a fresh start and explore new possibilities can encourage people to be more open to change and ready to take on new goals and challenges.

Another reason to launch a new CRM initiative at this time is, after a break during the holidays, people are often in a good mood and may be more likely to embrace changes in operations. Inevitably, people in an organization have varying degrees of comfort with implementing and using a new system. It can be beneficial to launch it at the right time and capitalize on the boost in mood that often comes with holiday breaks and opportunities to spend time with friends and family.

The same timing can also be critical to planning and preparation for a new system implementation. The holiday period may provide some downtime within the organization to plan for a system change and make necessary preparations. Ideally, a new system may be launched with the start of the New Year, but even if your implementation is scheduled for a later date, the holiday and end-of-year period may provide some much-needed time to work on your CRM initiative.

If your organization is considering a new CRM initiative for the New Year or interested in exploring the potential benefits of a new or improved CRM system, PlanPlus Online can help. We offer CRM solutions and expertise to help you organize, prioritize, and automate your business. Visit us online at, call us at 801-438-3460, or email us at
