29 11, 2018

Team productivity is a reflection of its leadership


How to maximize your team’s productivity As a leader, there are all kinds of ways you can improve your team’s performance. However, if their productivity is lacking, your results as a leader will be lacking, too. That’s why improving your team’s productivity must be your greatest priority. Simply put, when your team becomes more productive, the results of your [...]

Team productivity is a reflection of its leadership2019-01-10T18:56:25+00:00
28 11, 2018

The language you use creates the reality your experience


Are you listening to yourself? Your language—the words you use—is a very real indicator of the degree to which you see yourself as a proactive or a reactive individual. Quick reminder: a proactive person accepts responsibility for their own situation—no matter how dire—and takes the initiative to make things better. A proactive person acts, [...]

The language you use creates the reality your experience2019-01-10T18:56:25+00:00
26 11, 2018

For a successful day tomorrow, start tonight!


Every night before going to bed, you can have the feeling, “I already know tomorrow is going to be successful.” Here’s how: Set a very clear intention of how your day will go the next morning. That way, when you wake up, you already know where to start! Visualizing this intention and writing it in your PlanPlus Online [...]

For a successful day tomorrow, start tonight!2019-01-10T18:56:25+00:00
15 11, 2018

What did you teach today? What did you learn today?


Winning leaders are teaching leaders When you teach others, you’re open to learning. Over the past week, who have you helped to develop, and what have you learned yourself? Do you see developing others as an important part of your leadership? All people have untapped leadership potential, just as all people have untapped athletic potential. [...]

What did you teach today? What did you learn today?2019-01-10T18:56:25+00:00
14 11, 2018

A leader is never too busy to do this one essential thing


Sharpen the Saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have—YOU! You may think you don’t have time to exercise, build friendships, or get inspired. In reality, you don’t have time not to. The downtime you spend sharpening your saw will pay you back immediately, because when you resume your normal routine, you’ll cut that much [...]

A leader is never too busy to do this one essential thing2019-01-10T18:56:25+00:00
13 11, 2018

To be more productive, don’t fall into the trap of multitasking


The trap of multitasking With so much to do it’s tempting to fall into the trap of multitasking—trying to accomplish several things at the same time. Truth is, multitasking is actually misnamed. When you try to multitask, you aren’t actually doing two things at once—you’re rapidly switching your focus between two things. Every time you [...]

To be more productive, don’t fall into the trap of multitasking2019-01-10T18:56:26+00:00