18 03, 2021

How to untangle your mind and improve your productivity


Your Unscheduled Task list is your mind’s secret weapon! Your mind can be a messy place when you’re trying to be productive. So many things to do! Just keeping track of everything is like a tornado swirling in your head. The winds are whipping… cows flying by… you can’t get a good grip on anything! [...]

How to untangle your mind and improve your productivity2021-03-19T05:39:08+00:00
20 03, 2018

First, let me finish. Then interrupt.


One of the most common complaints we hear has to with something that is so fundamentally a part of the modern workplace, it’s almost impossible to avoid. In fact, we all have to deal with it. Yes, I’m talking about the dreaded interruption. Here are a few suggestions about managing and minimizing workplace interruptions. Stop [...]

First, let me finish. Then interrupt.2019-01-10T18:56:28+00:00
12 02, 2018

Why highly productive people use Time Blocking


If you’ve been out driving, you’ve probably seen those orange cones and barricades on the road. Even though it’s inconvenient for drivers, those barricades keep traffic from areas that are being worked on—so that workers can do the repairs without dodging cars. Don’t you wish during the day you could set up barricades around your [...]

Why highly productive people use Time Blocking2021-03-03T05:08:22+00:00
30 01, 2018

Can your happiness impact your productivity?


A recent study found that employees are 22% more productive when they are happy than when they are unhappy. Now I know what you're thinking, well duh! However as obvious as it may seem we often don't act on this seemingly common knowledge. Sometimes we mentally put a barrier between our various tasks and happiness. [...]

Can your happiness impact your productivity?2019-01-10T18:56:32+00:00
14 11, 2017

Nothing happens until you decide


Every accomplishment starts with a decision, in fact, living is the constant process of deciding what to do. Decision making and productivity go hand-in-hand. Have you ever noticed when you go out to eat with your friends or family that often the hardest part is simply deciding where to go--and when you get there, deciding [...]

Nothing happens until you decide2019-01-10T18:56:33+00:00
31 10, 2017

3 ways to improve communication today


Streamlining communication can definitely increase your personal productivity. In the NBC Sitcom “The Office” at one point one of the characters, Kevin Malone, decides to increase his productivity. Much to the chagrin of his coworkers he does this by eliminating what he deems to be unnecessary words. As he says, “Why waste time say lot [...]

3 ways to improve communication today2019-01-10T18:56:34+00:00
17 10, 2017

Daily Planning: How to Win the Day!


By not taking a few minutes for daily planning you may be tripping yourself on the way to winning the day. Even if you’re working harder than anyone you know—but not working on the most important, high-leverage tasks—you may not be as productive as someone who works half as much as you! Here’s how to [...]

Daily Planning: How to Win the Day!2019-01-10T18:56:35+00:00
10 10, 2017

How memory impacts your productivity


When I say memory, what do you think of?  Do you think of a computer chip? The human brain? That song from the musical “Cats”? There are many different types of memory When it comes to computer memory, there are two main types, RAM or “Random Access Memory” and Primary Storage Memory. RAM allows the [...]

How memory impacts your productivity2019-01-10T18:56:36+00:00
3 10, 2017

What do the “Productivity Whizzes” do that you don’t?


Have you ever met those people who just seem to naturally productive? They seem to always be busy achieving amazing things. If you’re anything like me, you may have felt a little envious toward these people who seem to effortlessly float from one accomplishment to another. I’ll let you in on a little secret I’ve [...]

What do the “Productivity Whizzes” do that you don’t?2019-01-10T18:56:36+00:00
12 09, 2017

Clear the clutter


Some of the most popular shows on TV are cooking shows. Have you ever watched a real chef prepare a meal? A big part of a chef’s success is because they’re extremely organized. In the kitchen—and even out of the kitchen—chefs have a place for everything. In fact, they’re trained to organize their work space [...]

Clear the clutter2019-01-10T18:56:38+00:00
29 08, 2017

Productivity Tip: Why plan at all?


Have you ever planned a vacation, or a move, or a party, or some other event? Then you know how much work is involved! Planning, checking, adjusting, and planning again is all part of the process of creating the result you want. Most events would be a disaster without planning! When it comes to planning [...]

Productivity Tip: Why plan at all?2019-01-10T18:56:38+00:00
8 08, 2017

Ideas to help your kids gain more personal productivity during the countdown to school


During these last weeks of summer, consider how you’d like to take advantage of the upcoming opportunity to teach personal productivity skills. Getting ready for back to school A new school year is the perfect time to pause, reconsider, and set up new routines. For parents, any shift in the family schedule is a great time [...]

Ideas to help your kids gain more personal productivity during the countdown to school2019-01-10T18:56:39+00:00