30 01, 2018

Can your happiness impact your productivity?


A recent study found that employees are 22% more productive when they are happy than when they are unhappy. Now I know what you're thinking, well duh! However as obvious as it may seem we often don't act on this seemingly common knowledge. Sometimes we mentally put a barrier between our various tasks and happiness. [...]

Can your happiness impact your productivity?2019-01-10T18:56:32+00:00
16 01, 2018

Oh grate! Another boring meeting? You knead to know the two pizza rule!


Spicing up your meetings isn't complicated. Here's an idea you "knead." What does having a meeting and having a pizza have in common? Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos calls it the “two pizza rule.” And it's simple: Bezos says that the more people you pack into the meeting, the less productive the meeting will likely be. The [...]

Oh grate! Another boring meeting? You knead to know the two pizza rule!2019-01-10T18:56:33+00:00
11 01, 2018

Hot or Not? An introduction to lead scoring.


You only have so many hours in a day, so your sales team should focus on the best leads. A core principle of effectiveness is based on the idea that there’s just not enough time to do everything that you want to, so you must prioritize your activities based on which ones will get you [...]

Hot or Not? An introduction to lead scoring.2019-01-10T18:56:33+00:00
11 01, 2018

3 small things you can do to win big at resolutions


Already broken your New Year's resolutions? What if I told you that there are three small things you can do to win big at resolutions. Imagine for a moment what your life would be like if you had achieved all your New Year’s Resolutions. I don’t know about you guys but if I had, I would [...]

3 small things you can do to win big at resolutions2019-01-10T18:56:33+00:00